The Oeuvre St. Justin as well as the four St – Justin associations based in Fribourg, Sion, Zurich and Geneva cares for and encourages the intercultural and inter-religious dialogue.
The Oeuvre St-Justin cares for and encourages intercultural and interreligious dialogue. As an institution of the Swiss Catholic Church, it supports the training of men and women from developing countries who are willing to work in their countries of origin after they have completed their education in Switzerland. In this spirit the students have to be able to help resolving the persistent problems of their home countries.
The Oeuvre St-Justin aims to awaken and promote an understanding of the universal Church as a community of faith for the world. It also intends to be a place of hospitality and support for men and women in financial difficulty.
François Charrière (Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg from 1945 to 1970) created the OSJ in 1927 for the training of leaders from developing countries. The ultimate goal was the constitution of a secular Catholic elite in the countries involved in the Mission. On the one hand, for the students coming over to Switzerland or to Europe, financial support has to be raised for their studies and accommodation. On the other hand, it is also necessary to support financially those who study in their home country. F. Charrière chose Saint Justin, philosopher and martyr of the primitive Church, as a protector and defender of the Work.
Our objectives are:
– To allow people to acquire an education
– To offer these individuals an environment, giving them good chances of succeeding in their chosen studies.
– To realize the Kingdom of God on this Earth, by the commitment of all the people involved
– To promote a way of life where tolerance and equality are applied in a democratic spiri
Our homes are no ghettos. They resemble a world in miniature, open to all individuals, regardless of their religion or culture. Together we try to build a more peaceful and fairer world. We cultivate fraternal relationships
Jesus Christ and his great message, as it comes to life in the Church, is the base of our action. With the Magistery of the Church and in agreement with the principles governing the universal commitment of all churches, our institution promotes respect for human dignity, social justice and solidarity, respect for the Creation, responsibility and Hope.
The principles expressed above need to be more closely explained:
– All the individuals associated with our institution must be able to comply with the charter – its objectives and its spirit.
– The charter is a tool for coaching the personnel.
– All the people involved take part in the planning and decision-making process according to their responsibilities within the Oeuvre St. Justin. This implies adequate information.
– We try to talk honestly and openly about the differences of opinion and conflicts.
– We use the available resources carefully (buildings, finances, energy, etc.), knowing that we are only administrators.
The Charter provides an orientation tool to St. Justin Work’s relevant authorities. For the members of the Foundation as well as for the co-workers, it is a solid grounding and has a compulsory aspect. That is why it requires annual consideration and evaluation on behalf of the Foundation’s Director as well as its members.
Approved on September 10th, 2020